Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I should not be allowed to go clothes-shopping unsupervised because I'm an impulse buyer with bad fashion sense.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I said "Shalom" to a random guy on the train this morning who I thought was wearing a yarmulke.  Turns out he just had a really bad comb-over.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

In the airport

7:30 am, Thursday morning, Buffalo Niagara airport
So I'm sitting in the airport earlier this morning, waiting for my flight. There were a lot of people sitting in my designated gate, so I was sitting in one of the empty gates that wasn't being used. So there are only 1-2 people anywhere near me. It's early morning, and it's very quiet, very peaceful. There is gentle music playing over the speaker system overhead.
All of a sudden....

CHWWAAAAA kyooo!!  CCHHHAAAA kyooo!!

Breaking the silence is some guy hawking a lugee nearby. Really REALLY loudly.  He's really going to town.


I turn around to see where this guy is, but surprisingly I don't see anyone nearby.

CHHHHWWAAATT {spit} AACCHHHAHHHWHW!! {spit} {cough, HACK, cough}

Then I realize that the guy is in the men's bathroom. He was that loud!  It literally sounded like he was right behind me, coughing up a lung, even though he was inside the bathroom.

Now, normally, you can't hear what's going on inside a bathroom. But this airport's restrooms have short tiled corridors that lead into the restroom (so that people with luggage can get in and out easily.) So this guy must be at the sink in the bathroom, coughing his brains out, and the curved corridor leading into the restroom IS AMPLIFYING THE SOUND TOWARDS THE SEATING AREA.

Seriously, it was REALLY loud.


He must have been coughing, hacking, spitting for a good 60 seconds. (Probably some sort of small animal stuck in his throat.)

Of course, during this time, I'm trying to picture what this guy must look like. Based on the sound alone, I had pictured some overweight, unshaven construction worker, with a dirty workshirt, toolbelt, untied boots, and (of course) butt crack showing. (If you had been there and heard the same coughing that I heard, you would have come to the same conclusion.)

But then the guy walks out of the bathroom, and he's a skinny, 5-foot-tall Asian dude in a suit! I was dumbfounded! I have no idea how he possibly could cough that hard without killing himself. Such big sounds coming from such a small man. Miracle of miracles.

Anyway, that was my morning in the airport. Pretty typical I guess.

What the...??

I'm packing up my clothes in the hotel room last night, and as I'm folding (read: haphazardly rolling up) my few button-down shirts, I suddenly notice something I hadn't seen before. On the front bottom corner of the shirt, my last name is written in black ink.  Weird, right?

You are probably thinking that's not so weird.  A lot of people tag their clothes.  But in this case, this is quite weird.  For several reasons:

First, I definitely did not write my name on any of my shirts.
Second, it's not my handwriting.
And third....
my last name is not STIEVEL!!

Someone else clearly wrote my name (incorrectly) on my shirt (although I'm guessing it was not while I was wearing the shirt.)

Then I realize the same thing is written on ALL my button-down shirts!

What the hell??

I don't know if I'll ever figure out who did this, but my guess is that one of the dry cleaners I may have used recently decided to write my (wrong) name on my shirts.  How rude!