Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pike's Place Market

Last Sunday, I walked around downtown Seattle with one of my new local friends Gavi.  There were several highlights to this outing, but certainly the sights and sounds of Pike's Place market were the best.

Pike's Place market is basically a huge open-air market and bazaar, with a bajillion shops and eateries and attractions and people.  It's pretty cool just to walk around, (which is exactly what we did.)

A quick highlight reel:

The mose delicious piece of technology I have ever seen.
completely automated mini-donut machine - AWESOME!

A very talented one-handed Rubik's cuber dude
one-handed Rubik's cube while spinning a giant tray
with the other hand, solved in 1:06 minutes.
And he's cute, too!

A giant nuclear missile being marched down the street
i hope they have a permit for that thing

An X-rated Starbucks coffee shop....sort of
this is their original logo, apparently

A 1920s porno machine...sort of
It was literally just a series of pictures of a
fully-dressed woman standing in a bathroom

 Other highlights included:
  • doing magic tricks for the people working in the magic shop,
  • asking for multiple samples from the chocolate stand,
  • reading inappropriate passages from sci-fi novels outloud in the used bookstore,
  • almost dumping water all over a table of classic books at same bookstore,
  • pretending to use the bathroom at a restaurant just so I could ask for a plastic fork on my way out
All in all, a good day in Seattle.

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