Tuesday, October 25, 2011


So I visited my cousins in Netanya in Israel this week, but within a few hours of getting there, I suddenly came down with a really bad flu.  Headache, bodyache, runny nose.  Pretty miserable.

Basically, as soon as I started feeling under the weather, I laid down on my cousin's couch and tried going to sleep.  I didn't move for 24 hours.  That's how bad I felt.

But what made this 24 hour flu really memorable were the hallucinations that accompanied the headache and sore throat, etc.  And what, praytell, did I hallucinate about during my time on the couch?


More accurately, one elephant.  My pet elephant. My pet elephant that has been living in my cousin's apartment. My elephant that I need to get rid of, but it's too big to get out through my cousin's door, and so it's effectively stuck in the apartment.

And the worst part?  My fever won't go away until I find a way to get rid of the elephant.  Literally, the only way to get healthy again was to get the elephant out of the apartment somehow. (Note that this situation seemed perfectly normal to me.  Not strange at all.)

Fortunately, after a rough 24 hours, the elephant miraculously disappeared, and my fever broke.  I don't know how the elephant got out of the apartment, nor do I know where the he/she went to, but I hope it is doing alright and I wish it well in all its future endeavors.

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