Monday, January 23, 2012


So my nephew Eliyahu is currently ~2.5 years old, and he has entered the transition period between speaking gibberish nonsense and meaningful sentences.  It's a very entertaining time.

This past Friday afternoon, I was on Skype with my sister's mom-in-law and Eliyahu.  She leaves the room for a few minutes, and he is sitting on the bed by himself, in this pajama onesie with full pantaloons and footsy-things.
Imagine these pajamas, except filled with a baby.
That's what he looked like.

Anyway, I'm talking with him, -- er, I should say I'm talking to him -- through Skype, and he starts to scratch and pick at the underside of his leg and butt.  He's still sitting on the bed, but he's leaning back with one leg pointing straight up in the air.  And he was scratching and picking all over the place, under his thigh, under his knee, under his butt.

Mom-in-law comes back in the room, and Eliyahu yells out "Draydel!"  I tell her I don't know what he's yelling about, but that maybe he needs his diaper changed.

"Draydel! Draydel!"

More picking and scratching.


We decide to ignore his shouts about the mysterious draydel, and instead we keep talking while Eliyahu sits near her on the bed.  Suddenly, he unzips his pajamas entirely open, and starts to strip!  Then, he reaches deep down into the depths of his onesie, ....and pulls out a draydel!  He lifts it high into the air, as if he has just pulled the Sword from the Stone and has been anointed king.

The next time I lose my keys or cell phone, I know where to look.

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