Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stiebel does something stupid #286

I was driving in Seattle this past Sunday afternoon.  I got to a 3-way intersection and stopped to let a minivan taxi cab go ahead of me.  Instead of going ahead, the driver sort of waves and points behind me.

I'm not sure what he's pointing at, so I wave him ahead again.  But he keeps pointing behind me.

So I think maybe there are some cars waiting behind me, and he wants me to go first.  But when I look out my rear-view mirror, I don't see any cars.  And since I'm not in a rush and I'm in an overly-polite mood, I wave the cabbie ahead of me again.

He continues to gesture behind me.  I check the rear-view mirror again, and I still can't see any cars behind me.  But then my brain catches up to my eyes, and I realize that I can't see anything behind me!  All I see is shiny red...which happens to be the color of my car trunk.

I'd been driving with my trunk all the way open.

Needless to say, the cabbie had a good laugh at my expense.

At least I wasn't driving with the hood of my car open.  That would've been awkward!

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