Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Laundry - the Stiebel way

So I recently discovered that I had run out of clean underwear and black socks.  But I didn't want to run an entire load of laundry just for underwear and black socks.  So someone mentioned that I could just wash them in my sink.

And then they wisely clarified that I should use my bathroom sink.

And so last night, I did some laundry by hand in my bathroom sink.  I definitely need to work on my technique, though, because the first thing I did was pour way too much detergent into the sink full of water.  So before I put my black socks in, the water was a beautiful blue color.

But after I put my socks in......
I'm definitely glad I didn't use my kitchen sink for this job.

Anyway, after hand washing my socks and boxers, I needed to hang them up.


Unfortunatley, in the morning, most of the laundry was still wet.  But I had to take a shower before work!  So I basically had to find random places around my apartment to hang up the remaining wet laundry.  On doorknobs, on lamps, on chairs.  (I really hope I remember to put these all away before I have more guests over.)

Anyway, all in all, the mission was a success.  I now have clean socks and boxers for another week (hopefully).  You can all stop worrying.

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