Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pain-in-the-ass pot pie

So this morning I decided I would try to bake a frozen chicken pot pie for lunch today.  I had a pot pie.  I had an oven.  Shouldn't take long to prepare, right?

At 11 am, as I was starting to get hungry, I turned the oven on to preheat it to 450.  10 minutes later, it doesn't feel very much hotter.  20 minutes later, it feels a little warmer, but definitely not hot.  After an hour, I could still stick my head inside the oven without any real problem.  Clearly, this was not going to be hot enough to cook my pot pie.

I am getting really hungry by then, so I decide I'm just going to use my toaster oven.  Now my toaster oven is used for dairy things only, so in order to bake my pot pie, I need to wrap it completely in aluminum foil.  I don't mind doing this, but the pot pie instructions specifically say 1) "Bake uncovered" and 2) "Don't use a toaster oven."

So this is probably not going to work, right?  Well, regardless, I decide to try it anyway.  I wrap the pie completely in foil twice, turn on the toaster oven, and stick it in.  I decide that it makes sense to bake it on the highest oven level for as long as I can (or until I hear burning.)

Anyway, by now it's already past 1 pm, and I am SUPER hungry.  And I'm also a bit frustrated that my simple lunch is taking a lot more work than I had intended.

So, after checking on the pie a few times, I finally take it out, open it up and......

Voila!  Steaming hot chicken pot pie!  (Actually, I think
it may have been turkey, but who's counting anyway)

I'm pretty sure it was cooked all the way through, but I may have been too hungry to notice.  And after a few delicious forkfuls of pot pie, I even discovered a treasure!

A brown, flaky crust!  Just like gourmet!

So if you are hungry, and you don't mind waiting a few hours for your food, come to my apartment for lunch and get your pot pie on.

1 comment:

  1. Way to follow directions. You should write to the company and tell them what you discovered about covering it and using a toaster oven.
    Maybe next week, I'll help you stock up your fridge with easy food to make.
